EGM and Renewal Information
The DSBIA Renewal Meetings, Renewal Info And EGM
The Downtown Surrey BIA is currently undergoing a renewal.

Renewal Meetings
The DSBIA is currently undergoing a renewal for a new term of seven years. We have a variety of meetings set up to go over the plans and answer any questions you might have on the Business Improvement Association, the renewal and the budget.
Registration is required.
Wednesday, July 13 at 5:30pm
Thursday, July 14 at 7:45am
Coffee + Muffins at the Downtown Surrey BIA office, Suite 330 – 10362 King George Blvd, Surrey (London Station) enter by Johnston Meier Insurance and proceed to the 3rd Floor
Thursday, July 14 at noon
Barbecue lunch Outdoors at David Pel’s office 10715 135a St, Surrey, BC
Thursday, July 14 from 5-6pm
Snacks at Chuck Bailey Rec Centre 13458 107a Ave, Surrey, BC
<p>JULY 20TH, 2022<br /> Noon – 1PM<br /> City Centre Library, Room 418</p>

Members will be asked to vote:
- On the renewal term of the Downtown Surrey BIA (proposed seven year term)
- On the DSBIA levy for the next seven years
- On the budget for 2023
Free Lunch
Useful links:

Downtown Surrey Development Update
Check out the opportunities to invest within the City of Surrey!