What is a BIA
Downtown Surrey Business Improvement Association
Downtown Surrey Business Improvement Association was formed to promote and encourage the development of a liveable downtown. This will require:
- Safe, clean, and beautiful streetscape
- A walkable area supported by a finer road grid
- Presence of significant infrastructure representing all three levels of government
- A range of transportation and transit options
- Expanded SFU Surrey Campus and programs
- A mix of medium and high density residential, commercial, and mixed use developments
- Outstanding quality of life amenities including parks, bikeways, public plazas, and pedestrian walkways
- All architecture and built forms to be of world class design
- A variety of recreational and entertainment amenities
- Affordable housing available for people at various life stages

In 2001, a core group of concerned business and property owners in Whalley met to discuss issues of concern in their community. This ad hoc group was interested in the Business Improvement Area (BIA) concept, and saw this as a promising planning and economic development tool for the area.
Two years later the group was successful and The Whalley Business Improvement Area (BIA) was created in April 2003. This was made possible through the adoption of a special bylaw by Surrey City Council. Under the direction of the Whalley Business Association Society (WBAS), the BIA had an initial mandate of five years – from April 1st, 2003 to March 31st, 2008. The Whalley BIA comprised a vast area of approximately 414 acres in North Surrey. The BIA stretches along the King George Boulevard from 96 to 112 Avenues and is roughly bounded on the west and east by University Drive and Whalley Boulevard.
In 2007, the members voted to change the name of the organization to the Downtown Surrey Business Improvement Association.

Downtown Surrey Development Update
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